Person of Indian Origin (PIO) passports are issued only to persons of Indian origin residing in Myanmar and holding the Foreigners Registration Certificate (FRC) issued by the Government of Myanmar.
The purpose of issue of PIO passports is to facilitate travel to India by persons of Indian origin who do not possess any other identification document.
PIO passports are issued with a validity of 1 year at a time and are extendable for further period of one year at a time. PIO passports are valid only for travel between India and Myanmar. A fee of US $ 77 (Seventy-Seven) is charged for issue of each 36 pages booklet.
1. Dully filled-in PIO Passport Application Form (offline). Forms can be obtained from visa counter, EoI, Yangon
2.Three colour photographs (1.5x1.5 inches, blue or white background)
3.Original FRC and a copy of its notarized translation. (The original FRC will be returned after the processing)
4.A Sworn Affidavit testifying that applicant is of Indian origin.