Embassy of India, Yangon, Myanmar
Press Release Press Release

Press Release-16 March 2015

          The Officials from the Ministry of Border Affairs, Myanmar and Embassy of India in Myanmar jointly inspected ten schools constructed out of a US$1 million financial assistance package extended from the Government of India, as its contribution towards the Myanmar government’s efforts to reconstruct and rehabilitate the riot affected people of Myanmar in Rakhine State with an objective to promote national reconciliation and social harmony in the State. The ten single storied RCC primary school building - four in Sittwe, four in Maugdaw Township and one each in Kyauktaw and Thandwe Township have been successfully completed and handed over to local authority on 14th of March, 2015.

          The Hon’ble External Affairs Minister of India had made a commitment of US$1 million for construction of these 10 schools in the four townships in Rakhine State, as part of the process of reconstruction and reconciliation in the Rakhine State of Republic of Union of Myanmar during his visit to Myanmar in December 2012. It was also heartening to note that the constructed schools have enrolments of students from both communities meeting the basic objective of building communal harmony through education from the tender age.

          Government of India attaches great importance to its ties with Myanmar. It is a relationship that is rooted in history and civilization. India is committed to assist the Government of Myanmar in its developmental activities in general and as part of the reconstruction and reconciliation efforts being made in Rakhine State.


16th March, 2015