Embassy of India, Yangon, Myanmar
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EMBASSY OF INDIA YANGON PRESS RELEASE OFFICIAL VISIT OF SHRI S M KRISHNA, MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OF INDIA, TO MYANMAR JUNE 20-22, 2011 At the invitation of the Government of Myanmar, Shri S.M. Krishna, Minister of External Affairs of India, paid an official visit to Myanmar from June 20-22, 2011. This visit marks the first high level bilateral interaction between India and Myanmar after the swearing in of a civilian Government in Myanmar in March 2011. Smt Nirupama Rao, Foreign Secretary, accompanied EAM during the visit. During the visit, EAM called on U Thein Sein, President of Myanmar, Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo, First Vice President, U Khin Aung Myint, Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw and Thura U Shwe Mann, Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw. He also held bilateral talks with U Wunna Maung Lwin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar. During the talks, matters of bilateral and regional importance were discussed in a cordial and friendly manner. These included exchange of visits, security and neighbourly ties, trade and economic cooperation, cooperation in developmental projects, agriculture, energy, health, education & training etc. EAM also met U Zaw Min, Minister of Electric Power-1 and discussed matters relating to energy cooperation between India and Myanmar. EAM conveyed to the Myanmar leaders India’s support for the cause of national reconciliation and democratic progress in an inclusive manner. He also informed that India stands ready to share its wealth of experience in parliamentary democracy through exchange of parliamentary delegations, training etc. During the visit, the MoU on Setting Up of Indo-Myanmar Industrial Training Centre at Myingyan in Myanmar was signed by EAM and H.E. U Soe Thane, Minister of Industry-II of Myanmar. Documents pertaining to the construction of ten 500-tonne rice silos with Indian assistance of US$ 2 million in Yangon and Ayeyarwaddy Divisions were also handed over. One silo has been constructed in Phyarpon, Kyaklatt, Bogalay, Lappotta and Malamyaingkyun townships in Ayeyarwaddy Region and in Kaumhu and Daydaye townships in Yangon Region while three have been constructed in Dawbon township in Yangon Region. EAM also handed over a cheque for USD 750,000 as part of Government of India’s contribution towards earthquake relief operations in Shan State. The funds were used for financing reconstruction of 1 high school and 6 primary schools to facilitate continuous education in Tarlay township, the area worst affected by the severe earthquake that struck in March 2011. In all, the Government of India has contributed USD 1 million, including a cash contribution of US$ 250,000 handed over earlier. During the visit, EAM also visited Yangon where he inaugurated, along with the Union Minister of Commerce U Win Myint and the Chief Minister of Yangon Region U Myint Swe, the three disaster proof rice silos located in Yangon. He interacted with members of the Indian community at a reception hosted by the Indian Ambassador to Myanmar. He also visited the holy Shwedagon Pagoda and the Mazhar of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Yangon June 23, 2011