Embassy of India, Yangon, Myanmar
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MOU Signing Ceremony(31 Oct, 2013)

A MoU was signed on 31st October 2013 by the Government of Myanmar represented by U Kyaw Zwa Soe, Director General Ministry of Science and Technology and Government of India represented by Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Shri Gautam Mukhopadhaya for the strengthening of “India – Myanmar Centre for Enhancement of IT Skills”  ,IMCEITS, at Yangon, through Government of India financial support of Rupees 17.89 Million.

The project is part of Government of india’s endeavour to support development of Information & Communication Technology Myanmar to create a pool of knowledge workers and generate employment opportunities by producing world class IT professionals to attract investment into Myanmar and generate revenues through software export.

The project is being implemented through CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) which is the premier R&D organisation within the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT), India.

 As part of the up gradation, IMCEITS will be an Authorised Training Centre (ATC) of CDAC  and would offer joint certification with IMCEITS.