Embassy of India, Yangon, Myanmar
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Press Release of Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India State Visit of President of Myanmar to India (August 27-30, 2016)

August 24, 2016

President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar H.E. U Htin Kyaw will pay a State Visit to India on August 27-30, 2016. The visit is at the invitation of H.E. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, President of India.

This will be the first State visit by the Myanmar President after the assumption of office by the new Government in Myanmar in March 2016.

The Myanmar President will be accompanied by his wife, Daw Su Su Lwin, several key Ministers and senior officials.

During his visit to India, the Myanmar President will have official engagements in New Delhi and also visit places of historical and cultural importance in India.

The visit of the Myanmar President will help to further strengthen and expand traditionally close ties between the two countries.

New Delhi
August 24, 2016